Seeking Comfort for his people

For more than 14 years the Louisville Helpers have been able to celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of the Assumption.

As a Lenten offering we would like to express our thanks and offer comfort to God’s people. Anyone who has prayed at the mill has often encountered people who live on the streets of Louisville. Much more often than not, they thank us for our presence there praying. They too see how the unborn are unappreciated and forgotten. Therefore, in order to provide some support for those who often support us on the streets, the Helpers will be having a collection after our March 12th Mass. The proceeds of which will go to the Cathedral of the Assumption’s Daily Lunch Program.

Please pray about making a donation at our March 12th Mass. FullSizeRender (7)You can make checks payable to Feed thy Neighbor.

See you Saturday.
