Christ is King, but even more He is Son

An Easter Reflection

Happy Easter to all.

At Christmas, now a few mere months ago, we celebrated the birth of Christ. Now we have watched as all the world has rejected and mocked Him, then finally crucified Him, the ultimate rejection. During His entire earthly life, Jesus would not allow Himself to be lifted up as King. During His forced march to Calvary, the Romans mocked His Kingship dressing Him in parodistic royal attire, no doubt as a jab to the Jewish Jesus Christ, but also to the Jewish onlookers as well. This was a same people who had earlier exclaimed, “We have no king but Caesar!”

Neither the mockery nor the rejection, make the fact any less true. As the inscription would say, INRI, Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews, again whether we accept it or reject it, it does not make Him any less a king, our King. A King who loves us. A King long awaited for, yet, He is more.

Jesus’ love began long ago. It began with He and His Father, because God loved His chosen people, He would send them Moses and the prophets. The Jewish people for their part would accept for a time, but ultimately they would choose their own way, which often led to hardship and suffering. However, because God’s Love for them, as both Father and Son, and as displayed by His covenant with Abraham, God showed a Love that is steadfast, faithful, and so deeply penetrating, that He, the Father would give to His people something more than Himself, He would give His posterity, His Only Son, Jesus Christ.

The Father once asked Abraham to demonstrate his Love for His Creator, by asking Abraham for His Son Issac as a sacrifice. However, God did not allow Abraham to go through such a sacrifice. Because the Father knew how hard it was for Abraham to give up a piece of his very self. Bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. A sacrifice so deep because it was not merely a son, it was his posterity that would be sacrificed as well.

In giving His Son to His people God showed not only His love for them, but His Fatherhood to them. His Son would take on their Jewish flesh to unite them as true children of God. Jesus, as God, would naturally be their King. Yet, just because the Father asks Jesus to humble Himself and assume the Flesh of man, is He somehow less a King? On the contrary, He is more, He is Son. And because He is Son, He is Love of the Father itself. How much more could the Father, the Creator of all, show His love for His people? What miracle? What proof? What act could God perform for His people to demonstrate His steadfast love for them more than to ask His Son to take on their very flesh? What more could He do? What more can He do? Could He die for His people?

The ironic thing is that most of us think we are so much smarter than these Jewish people. Even though we go about rejecting both Father and Son every day, instead, choosing loyalty to money, political party, sins of the flesh, false idolatry, and yes, to our belief in abortion. Worse than rejecting Christ as King, we reject Him as Son. As Love from the Father.

Yet, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, still love us. They long for our setting aside our pride and accepting their Love. If Jesus’ crucifixion showed His Love for us then, how do we know that He still loves us? We know it by the Resurrection. Jesus’ Resurrection is proof that His love is still there, Jesus is there, waiting for us. And not only Him, but the Father and the Spirit as well. Not only has death been conquered by Him, but our free will’s enslavement to sin has been beaten as well. The Holy Trinity, one God, are merely waiting for us to choose to bridle our free will, and offer those reigns as a gift to Christ. And by handing over our bridled pride, He may reign not only as a King in our hearts, but as Love itself from the Father, a true Son of God.

Thank you Father for Your steadfast Love and faithfulness. Thank you for Your Son. Jesus, thank you for taking up Your cross. Thank you for Your Love on Calvary and Your continued Love from Your empty tomb.


Happy Easter and Love,

Your friends at the Louisville Helpers of God’s Precious Infants.

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