KY Roe? Take 5 minutes for Life

Lawsuit filed on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception against Life

Stuart Hamilton Pro-Life Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Louisville talks on the most recent attack on Human Dignity. Warning that corporate giant Planned Parenthood seeks to expand their business model through the use of the Kentucky legal system, trying to overturn current Kentucky state law, with a possible end game to alter the Kentucky State Constitution.

Will we as Catholics be caught asleep or caught up in the trappings of this world (i.e. money, fads, etc.)? We should all remember what happened to this nation in 1973, when the idea of abortion was sold to the public as a rare but needed necessity. This corporate marketing strategy was used as a way to get a corporate foot in the public pockets, where something originally sold as rare, morphed into being sold as a convenience, with guarantees of a better life for the mother. For decades our entire nation was pillaged by this lie, until the overturning of Roe vs Wade. Why would we as Kentucky citizens want to go back down the road to perdition?

Plan Parenthood does not help women PLAN for Parenthood, they help them PLAN for UN-PARENTHOOD. They create UNparents by creating UNchildren (dead children) for their Unbelievable profits. Will you remain unconcerned? Unconvinced? Unmoved to greater prayer and action?

How are we as Catholics truly providing a natural and holistic answer for these women? By meeting them where they are with places like the Little Way, the Golden Arrow, Life House, St. Bernadette Diaper Bank, St. Vincent de Paul, just to name a few. These are all places that can help women not only learn to be better mothers, but have hope and learn to be the person God has called them to be, with both the helper and the helped trusting in God’s Divine Providence.

It is also important that we also encourage our elected officials to do what is right according to God’s law. These are children and not cancers that women have need for evasive treatment.

And lastly and most importantly we need people willing to fast and pray. Pray for not merely the child with no voice of their own, but for the mother whose body is unnecessarily subjected to unnatural and inhumane treatment disguised as medicine. For fathers who are told they have no say, because those who constantly point to science now ignore the child in the womb, and lie and say it is just a growth. Pray for the people who work for Planned Parenthood, that they not remain in their prideful blindness, but acknowledge both science and Truth of the Child and their individuality. There is much to pray for and so few will to sacrifice their time. Heed the call.

May you make the most of this Advent, as we walk with the step-father St. Joseph and the young and suddenly pregnant Mary, The Mother, who is carrying our in utero Savior.

May the Divine Assistance always be with you,

The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants